Kruh, I., Gowensmith, N., Alkema, A., Swenson, K., & Platt, D. (2022). Community-based remediation of juvenile competency to stand trial: A national survey. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 21, 321-333. Access a pre-publication copy here.
Kruh, I.P., Sullivan, L., Ellis, M., Lexcen, F. & McClellan, J. (2006). Juvenile competency to stand trial: A historical and empirical analysis of a juvenile forensic evaluation service. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 5, 109-124. Access a pre-publication copy here.
Kruh, I.P., Whittemore, K. Arnaut, G.L.Y., Manley, J., Gage, B.C., & Gagliardi, G. (2005). The Psychopathic Personality Inventory and violence in insanity acquittees. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 4, 229-241. _ Access a pre-publication copy here.
Kruh, I.P., Frick, P.J., & Clements, C.B. (2005). Predictors of violence patterns committed by juvenile offenders convicted as adults. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 32, 69-96. Access a pre-publication copy here.
Kruh, I.P., & Brodsky, S.L. (1997). Clinical evaluations for transfer of juveniles to criminal court: Current practices and future research. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 15, 151-166. Access the article here.
Tapscott, M., Frick, P.J., Wootton, J.M., & Kruh, I.P. (1996). The intergenerational link to antisocial behavior: Effects of paternal contact. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 5, 229-240. Access the article here.
Brodsky, S.L., Kruh, I.P., & Hovey, M.A. (1996). Clinical testimony about sexual abuse: Fears and effectiveness. The Ohio Psychologist, November/December, 4-6. Access the article here.